Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Trivia the Roman Goddess

Trivia in Roman mythology was the goddess who "haunted crossroads, graveyards, and was the goddess of sorcery and witchcraft, wandered about at night, and was seen only by the barking of dogs who told of her approach" She was the equivalent of the Greek goddess Hecate , the goddess of  witchcraft, the three-way crossroads, and the harvest moon. Trivia is also considered another name for Diana as the guardian of the meeting of three roads. She was an underworld Titan-goddess who assisted Jove in the Titanomachy and was therefore able to keep her powers. She was a friend of  Ceres and helped her find Ceres' daughter Proserpina. As a part of her role as an underworld goddess, she was known as the Queen of Ghosts. Although she helped Ceres find her daughter, she was also known to steal young maidens to assist her in her powers. These women later became nymphs. One of the most famous was phoebe, a daughter of Helios. References to Trivia can be found in Virgil's Aeneid and Ovid's Metamorphoses....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dr. Ishantha Siribaddana

The Visionary Educationists for Java software Technology Advancement in Sri Lanka. He is the pioneer and leader in Sri Lanka to train youth for internationally recognize professional and vendor/trade certifications in Java Technology. Also he was the pioneer in introducing skill development training programs with the most advance Java Technology to produce young entrepreneurs and Java Professionals to the nation.

Dr Ishantha Siribaddana is the pioneering Java lecturer in Sri Lanka started train students for International Java examinations were offered by Sun Micro Systems USA.At present examinations are offered by Oracle Corporation USA and Chamber of Chartered Java Professionals International USA. He has produced many Professional and Practical Java Training Programs in Sri Lanka and got the international recognition.


Founder of IJTS
Dr. Ishantha Siribaddana was the founder of IJTS - Institute of Java and Technological Studies. IJTS is the pioneering and leading institute in Sri Lanka offers Java Courses, Java Programming Trainings, Related Technologies for Java Program Development.The IJTS is the only professional organization in Sri Lanka fully dedicated only for Java technology training programs. Today IJTS is the world's largest Java school among dedicated Java Technology providers with the registered number of students over 4000 in its five branches located in main cities of Sri Lanka. 

Dr Ishantha Siribaddana was the consultant, advisor or became the partner for some global and local web applications developed by young professionals of Sri Lanka.